Journalism & Writing

Bruce is a writer and journalist covering everything health for Forbes as a Senior Contributor. His articles have been read over 87 million times since January 2019. Bruce maintains a blog called ‘A Funny Bone to Pick’ for Psychology Today and the “Minded by Science” newsletter on Substack as well. His writing has also appeared in a wide range of media outlets including The New York Times, Time, The Guardian, MIT Technology Review, and HuffPost. He has also written three books.

Bruce has a strong interest in bringing health and science closer to everyone, finding new ways to help everyone understand these often complex topics. Examples of his writing are included below. Use the filtering option below to navigate and access a sample of Bruce’s journalism and writing. Also, if you'd like to pitch a story idea, you can use this form.

STAT Sarah Rebbert STAT Sarah Rebbert


Don’t repeat the mistakes of past vaccine distribution efforts

Bruce wrote an Op-Ed for STAT News covering lessons learned from previous vaccine supply chain efforts and the mistakes along the way.

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